Friday, September 10, 2010

Body Works Exfoliating Body Scrub

The main benefiting component in body scrubs is that they ex-foliate the skin and thoroughly cleanses and refreshes skin deeper than regular soaps and body washes normally have the ability to do. This is both good for those with dry skin, as it stimulates the blood circulation and the production of the skins natural oils, and produce new healthy skin. For those with oily skin, body scrubs is an effective way to deeply clean clogged pores and blackheads that thrives in an oily environment. Dead skin cells, dirt and oil will be released and leave the skin rejuvenated when using a body scrub. If using body moisturizer after the body scrub, your body will be left with a smooth, baby-soft and silky feeling.

1st Health Body Works can stimulate the immune system of skin to fight skin aliments, skin disease and keep it's youthful vitality. It helps pull out toxins from the skin. To massage the skin with a good body scrub has shown that the blood circulation in a person is improved, which has many health benefits.

Since the skin covers a large area of our body, it is important to nurture and take care of it. 1st Health Body Works is a healthy way to get clean, get invigorated, get the blood circulation going, and the mood uplifted.

Direction for Use : Massage into skin then rinse 

Price: Php. 250.00 - 220ml / bottle

Acai Berry Juice

AMAZON The word that stands for GREATNESS, STRENGHT AND NATURE. And one-fourth of the oxygen in the entire world is produced by the Amazon rain forests. They’re known as “the lungs of the earth.”

An ecosystem protecting an earth’s biological treasures. More than 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live in the forest. The Amazon contains the largest collection of living plants, species animals on earth.

Evergreen as far as the eyes can see, at least 3,000 edible fruits are hidden here. The natives used 2,000 of these. Only 200 fruits are available in the West. The natural healing power of theses treasures of the Amazons has not gone unnoticed in the scientific world and those who seek the fountain of youth. The US National Cancer Institute said that 70% of these 3000 plants that are active are found in the rain forest. Today 20% of the western pharmaceutical ingredients are found in the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon is still largely undiscovered. In the heart of the forest ……….stands the tallest palm tree in the world. And from that tree comes the most grand treasure…..the small, round, dark violet berry….the ACAI berry.

Because acai palms are the tallest trees in the Amazon and provide shade for the other vegetation, they’ve learned to adapt to absorb more solar radiation than other plant sin the forest. And because the rain forest is, in fact rain forest, acai palms must survive flood conditions that often leave their trunks under water for days and weeks. That’s why the environmental stresses from the sun and climate have helped developed the tree’s defense compounds as a strategy for coping with the harsh environment. AS we consume these amazing fruit, we become the beneficiaries of these defense compounds.

The ACai berry possessed scientific qualities that no other fruit can claim. It has the protein profile like an egg, calcium profile like the milk, 10 times more anti-oxidants than red wine, has omega oils compared to that of virgin olive oil, and has more than 56 nutrients and vitamins on that rich Acai berry. Research shows That the acai berry is packed with nutritional value, including healthy fats, fiber along with low gylcemic index. That’s why it is no surprise that Acai berry is considered as the No.1 SUPERFOOD IN THE WORLD. The ACAI berry has the strength, energy, richness just like the Amazon where it came from. 
Recently discovered by Brazilian elites and North Americans for its unprecedented nutritional value and the health benefits it has provided to the natives in Brazil.

Heralded as the No. 1 Superfood in the World by Dr Nicolas Periccone, Dr Ozz (both Anti-aging experts in US), world class athletes Christian Slater, celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and Eva Longoria to name a few. And also Philippines own, Ms. Cory Quirino, Ambassador of Wellness. 
This makes acai berry the brightest star among other anti-oxidant rich fruits like blueberries, pomegranates, grapes, cranberries and blackberries.

Vogue Magazine called it 
“ the next big thing”

London Times said 
“ The acai is the fruit of the Amazon palm tree with a nutritional content that makes other fruit blush with inadequacy.”

Washington Post said 
“ The acai has beguiling berry-like flavor with intense chocolate overtones.”

Men’s Journal calls it 
“ the fruit that packs a punch”

US Health Science Institute 
“ Natures perfect food”

The most powerful and potent drink there is ……………. UNO introduces 1st Health Acai berry juice. Delivers the best fruit in a bottle. It targets the every cell of the body to promote wellness and with its high anti-oxidant it repairs every damaged cell to function to its outmost.  Acai berry provides over-all health, energy, vitality. Study shows fewer individuals consume less than 3 recommended serving of fruits, and thus lead to increasing number of diseases world wide……………….ACAI BERRY..holds the key to over all wellness.

 Price: Php. 2,500.00 - 1000ml / bottle

Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has been used for centuries as a vital source of food for health and general well being in traditional communities of tropical regions. It is called "The Tree of Life" abandoning unhealthy lifestyles and reverting to natural foods can help to reverse many of the diseases that have manifested in our bodies.

Here are some of what coconut oil can do for you:

  • Improve your energy
  • Reduce your risk of heart diseases
  • Reduce your risk of cancer
  • Improve your digestion and ability to absorb nutrients
  • Promote weight loss and maintenance of your ideal weight
  • Help prevent bacterial, yeast, fungal, and viral infections
  • Support and enhance your immune system
  • Help regulate your blood sugar and prevent or control diabetes 
  • Help prevent osteoporosis 
  • Help prevent premature aging and wrinkling of  the skin
  • Help keep your skin smooth and soft
  • Help protect against skin cancer and blemishes

Price: Php. 700.00 - (1000mg) 50 softgel / box

Organic Thanakha Cream

Directions for Use: Dilute a pinch of Thanakha Cream in a few drops of water and apply thickly on cleansed face as an overnight facial mud pack. A lighter mixture can be used as a make-up base or liquid foundation.

ORGANIC THANAKHA SHILES: Clears your skin from blemishes especially like: Freckles, Acne, Pimples, Blackheads & Whiteheads, Sunburn, Skin Discoloration, Skin's itchy rashes. Moreover, it increases the production of Collagen and Elastin (skin proteins) to protect and prevent your skin from premature skin aging like wrinkles and dryness. Organic Thanakha Shiles is not based on any large amounts of chemicals and synthetic oils used by traditional cosmetics. Natural Thanakha Make-up is 100% Organic without question! It will cause you no allergies, skin irritation or any other side effects even in a lifetime of use.

ORGANIC THANAKHA ROSE: Aside from relaxing your mind from stress and anxiety of the everyday grind, the scent of rose also: Moisturizes, Regenerates skin and Hydrates aging skin. It also tightens Large and Open Pores,Increases skin Collagen and Elastin, Controls Excessive Facial Oil, Removes Serious Acne, Pimples, Blackheads & Whiteheads and is an excellent Make-up foundation, Facial powder and Oil controller on day time. Organic Thanakha Rose oil will make sure your skin gets a revolutionary revival from the dull!!!

ORGANIC THANAKHA SANDALWOOD: For 4,000 years, Sandalwood has been used as a calming incense in peaceful medication as it calms the mind, enhances mental clarity, and aids in opening the mind to a greater awareness. But Sandalwood is also used for; Skin Regeneration, Skin Hydration, Skin Revitalization, Skin moisturizer, removing serious acne, pimples, blackheads & whiteheads, Skin rashes. Sandalwood essential oil with Natural Thanakha helps to moisturize and hydrate aging dry or flaky skin, relieving itchiness and its astringent action balances oily skin.

Scents Available in Rose Scent / Shiles Scent

Price: Php. 750.00  35grams / jar

Prime Juice (Mangosteen & Goji Berries)

Content: Mangosteen Extract, Goji Berry Extract and other fruit extracts

Just the few of the many reasons why we should start drinking Prime Juice

1. Extend your Life
Goji is known as the "longevity fruit". Its unique molecule polysaccharides and powerful antioxidants defend against premature aging, fighting free radical damage throughout the body.

2. Energy and Strength Booster
Prime Juice increases exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance. Helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when recovering from illness.

3. Look and Feel Younger
Stimulates the secretion by the pituitary gland of Human Growth Hormone, the youth hormone for a more youthful appearance..

4. Improve Your Immune System
Regulates immunity by commanding and controlling many of the body's important defense functions, enhances and balances the activity of all classes of immune cells.

5. Improve Disease Resistance
The free radical superoxide has been implicated to have an important role in the onset and progression of human disease.

Direction for Use : Empty 1 sachet to a glass of water. Stir well. 

Price: Php. 840.00 (25grams)24 sachets/box